The links on this website will take you to our newest website. We have had this one so long it’s not very mobile user friendly, but we don’t want to lose it as it is a big part of our lives. So, you will go to to view any puppies and place deposits. As this website has no way to add a way to do deposits on them. Thank you
Dawn is a female that was born here. She is a beautiful yellow female that has brains to go with her looks.
She's a snuggler and quiet. Has a very sweet and calm demeanor to her. She's playful yet not overly active.
She will bark if someone comes up, but otherwise is very quiet.
Loves her people time and adores other animals. She's never met anyone that she doesn't like.
She has an excellent thick coat and nice tail to her.
She has learned anything we've tried to teach her with ease.
We can't wait to see her puppies with Moe in 2021.
We are very happy and blessed to have Dawn with us. Hopefully, if you get a chance to welcome home one of her puppies they will bless your home like she has ours.