Labrador retrievers for sale in Illinois

The links on this website will take you to our newest website. We have had this one so long it’s not very mobile user friendly, but we don’t want to lose it as it is a big part of our lives. So, you will go to to view any puppies and place deposits. As this website has no way to add a way to do deposits on them. Thank you

Ms. B Chocolate Labrador Female

Ms. B is a beautiful dark chocolate Labrador Retriever.

She was born here to Babe and Buster.

She has an excellent attitude.

She has never shown signs of aggression. Weighs in at 60 lbs.

Easy to train and very willing to please.

She is an active girl and we expect her pups to be great athletic dogs.

She would work all day if allowed.

She does calm down and relaxes when required.

We’ve not had her refuse to do anything we ask of her.

She is a little spoiled as is typical for any Labrador here.

We love her and look forward too many years of her bringing joy to us everyday.

Photos of her parents Babe and Buster are below her photos.